Unlock the Inner Author in You Through Writer Recovery

Do you feel the call to share impactful stories with the world, but are shackled by invisible chains of doubt, fear, or past pain? You're not alone. Countless writers, both aspiring and established, have journeyed through the thick fog of creative stagnation. But just as dawn breaks after the darkest night, your creative rebirth awaits.

I know how it feels…

The sting of seeing stories you've always wanted to tell, told by another, isn't just about missed opportunities. It's about the world missing out on your unparalleled voice. It's the pang of recognizing a story you were meant to write, now delivered through another's pen.

Watching other writers manifest what you've only dreamt of, can be heart-wrenching. It's not about envy; it's about an innate knowing. A quiet confidence that whispers, "I can do this, too." Yet, a shadowy veil seems to separate you from that world, an invisible barrier you desperately wish to breach

Characters can be persistent specters. They visit your thoughts, plead to be born onto paper, and haunt your dreams, leaving you with a weight that's hard to articulate. It's an honor, but also a burden, to be chosen by these entities. They believe in you, even when you're struggling to believe in yourself.

Your Pain is Valid, But It Isn't the End of Your Story

You are more than the internal battles you fight. Within you lies a reservoir of stories waiting to be told, characters yearning to come alive, and a voice that can echo through generations. If you resonate with this pain, know that it's a sign of the profound stories you're destined to share. Don't let them remain shadows. Together, we can illuminate them.

“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” – Ernest Hemingway

Embrace the strength of your broken places and let your stories heal the world.

It’s time to share your stories.

How Would Your Life Be Impacted Both Personally & Professional If You Had An Experienced Spiritual Guide Help You To:

  • Dissolve Creative Blocks: Together, we'll navigate through the tangled maze of your thoughts, seeking the root of your creative blockages, and gently clearing the path for your words to flow.

  • Heal the Wounded Inner Child: Perhaps, in some dusty corner of your heart, the tender wounds of past criticisms or dismissals still ache. It's time to tend to them, soothe them, and let your inner child shine with unbridled joy.

  • Silence the Relentless Inner Critic: The whispers of self-doubt can be deafening. Let's turn down the volume on the naysayers in your mind, replacing their voices with affirmations of worthiness and capability.

Jenica Jarchow

When I first started working with Jhéanell, I found myself in a place of stagnation. My life was peppered with unachieved goals, both related to my writing but also personal. I felt stuck in an endless cycle and lost more than ever. I had quietly watched Jhéanell on social media, and after a few years, I finally reached a breaking point and realized it was time to take a chance on me!

Without a doubt, this decision has proven to be one of the most transformative choices I've ever made. Jhéanell is the key that has unlocked numerous doors and opportunities in my life.

My creative energy surged, enabling me to accomplish a feat I had been grappling with for over a year -- finishing a novel, all within the span of just one month. This newfound creative flow, however, was merely the tip of the iceberg. In the broader spectrum of my life a remarkable sense of stability and tranquility has taken root. Clarity has taken root and I've come to trust my instincts and decision-making abilities more than ever before.

The inclusion of frequency healing in our journey has been a game-changer. It's not just a period reset; it's a profound connection with my own body and its needs.

Jhéanell's unwavering support has made all of the difference. Her encouragement is like a gentle touch, never pushy or demanding. She's a masterful listener, guiding me towards self-discovery and growth. With her by my side, I've found the confidence to venture forward independently, knowing I can reach out whenever I need a guiding hand. Words cannot capture the depth of my gratitude and affection for Jhéanell. In a time when I felt utterly lost, she became a guiding force. She helped me reconnect to my true self, a person I thought I had lost. Jhéanell's presence in my life has done nothing but good things and I approach each day with a sense of excitement and potential.

Who Is This For?

  • For the dreamer who yearns to bring their vision to life but is paralyzed by fear...

  • For the once-acclaimed author now adrift in the sea of self-questioning...

  • For the over worked wordsmith drained dry, seeking the rejuvenating springs of inspiration...

Meet Jhéanell

Your Guide To Your Writer Recovery

I know what it’s like to be paralyzed by the fear of sharing your true artistic talents and dreams. I know what it’s like to achieve outward monetary success while secretly wishing you’d done it in a way that was more creatively fulfilling.

However, I also know what it’s like to decide that enough is enough and begin the journey back home to my most authentic & creative self.

Within months of my own Writing Recovery, I went from decades of hoarding my creative works on hard drives and in countless notebooks, to completing a Poetry Book, several romance novels, as well as writing, producing and directing a Short Film. Now it’s your turn.

Whether you want to write books, become a Playwright, be the best Copywriter out here, create scrips that keep audiences glued to their seats, or write poetry that people eagerly turn into instagram captions - there is no better time than now to answer The Call.

After years of using my spiritual talents towards identifying and embodying their souls mission, I have evolved into using those tools to helping those who I have the softest spot for, fellow Writers.

Not only have I healed my own artistic wounds, I’ve been able to help others release their creative energy that was once stuck in their bodies, so that they can step into the Visionary Storytellers they were designed to be.


Writer Recovery

Lorea Sample

“I went to Jhéanell because I felt like my creativity went away and I felt stagnant in every way. Since our session, my confidence and courage has increased, I’m more decisive. I trust myself more. I ask for what I want and my creativity is coming back. Physically, I’m resting consistently and my mood is more balanced. As far as the area where my creativity was blocked, I have been losing inches there since our session.”

It’s Time To…

Rediscover the Joy of Creation

Deep within, a treasure trove of untold tales await your touch, not hindered by lack of talent but momentarily silenced by a dominating Inner Critic. Remember when writing was pure joy? How would it feel to get back there?

Break Free from Creative Chains

Life, society, and sometimes our dearest ones, have subtly instilled barriers around our imaginations. "Grow up", "Your dreams are unrealistic and childish" – these voices, though well-intentioned, might have dimmed your innate sparkle, pulling you away from the joys of dreaming freely.

Seeking ROI or Soulful Return?

In the quest for tangible returns, have you paused to listen to your soul lately? How's the passionate Inner Artist within you? And that playful Inner Child, have they been seen, heard, or valued lately? It can be draining, constantly suppressing their cries for attention, can't it?

A Call to Rekindle

More and more, you may find yourself yearning to reconnect with the parts of you that were once left behind. Your Inner Artist, with the innocence of a child, beckons for healing, nurturing, and most importantly, a safe space to express themselves through writing.

Reawaken Your True Writer's Spirit

The path to reviving your Inner Artist starts with our Writer Recovery Program. Prioritize your creative renaissance and embrace the opportunity to write with heart, soul, and unbridled enthusiasm.

This is the very thing you’ve been praying for and it’s here.

Let’s Keep It A Buck While We’re Here…

My promise to you is that by working together, you’ll be able to get out of your head, and get the words on the page. I will provide you with the unwavering support and tools needed to reprogram your mind to get you from stagnation to creation.

I can't promise you a spot on the New York Times Bestseller list or an Oscar for your screenplay—your success relies heavily on your talents, drive, and Divine Timing. But here’s what I know for sure: greatness begins with a single step. And that first step for you… is to  remove those creative blockages so that you can write.

Commit To Your Writing Recovery

What You Can Expect:

We'll kick off your Writer Recovery journey with a focused mini intensive lasting 3 to 4 hours, diving deep into the your past, present, and envisioned future. Through carefully curated exercises, we'll address and heal past scars. Using the skills I have acquired as a Certified Frequency Healer, we will then spend time rewiring of your mind, halting the limiting narratives that have held back your writing aspirations, replacing your thoughts and beliefs with new ones that align with where you desire to go. By the end, you'll be equipped with a tailored action plan and tools, designed for daily use, to align your mind and spirit with the heights of success you seek.

Book your intensive today and within 24 hours of receiving payment, you will receive your intake form and calendar information to schedule our time together.